Daily Objective for World History Honors

Age of Exploration Unit Test next Friday!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Several Important Issues!


Mid-Term Exam grades have appear as part of 2nd quarter as a letter grade at the bottom of the list of assignments in SnapGrades. The exam was not given a points value, just the letter grade, so it will not effect your 2nd quarter grade.


Crisis and Absolutism essays should be turned in via Turn-it-in.com by Jan. 27th!!! The assignments now correctly appears on Turn-it-in.com.


New homeworks are posted.

If you have an issue/concern about Snapgrades, talk to me in class tomorrow, not via email.

Stay warm, it was 7 degrees in my car this morning, and my heat does not work...


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Upcoming Assignments and Mid-Terms

To help you stay organized:


Friday 1/14- Crisis and Absolutism Unit Test and Review Packet

Mid-Term Schedule-

Tuesday 1/18: 4A Exam

Wednesday 1/19: 1-2 Exam

Thursday 1/20: 3-4B Exam

Friday 1/21: 5-6 Exam

Other assignments:

English Civil War Webquest will be collected on the day of your mid-term.

Unit Map Activity will be due on the first day of the THIRD QUARTER- January 25

Your Mid-Term Review Packet WILL NOT BE COLLECTED, but it is highly recommended that you complete the packet to maximize your success on the mid-term.

